Public Safety Career Day Hosted By Jasper ISD And Detcca

The Public Safety Career Day was the first time an event like this was held by the Deep East Texas College and Career Academy. We were amazed to see the great support as over 7 school districts and 700-800 teenagers attended. EMS groups, Hospitals, and all types of First Responders came together at Jasper High School and helped students have the opportunity to interact with public safety groups and give them a chance to experience what important roles they all play in our communities. This year we have exciting news in that this event will happen again, only larger!

SAFE 2 SAVE appreciates RAC-R inviting us to attend. Students understanding the importance of putting the phone and focusing FULLY on each drive makes a huge difference in how safe everyone is on the road. Rural roads are just as important as any road to drive undistracted. The distracted driving simulator from Texas A&M Agri-Life Passenger Safety Project even has different settings for rural, town or city roads, helping students drive and prove that no matter what road they are on, distracted driving is never a good idea. Students may think they are an exception to the rule, as 89% of Americans do, yet we all know our statistics in Texas would not be where they are today if 9 out of 10 people were the exceptional driver they thought they were. Let’s all do our part to PREVENT first responders from having to go to a scene you or your family are at. 

Let people know today how important the role of a First Responder is as a career choice as their daily sacrifice for our safety each day is real. Thank someone today who is a public servant.   


Nuclear Power Institute Interview With Jamie White.


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